Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Music Mosaic

            Whenever I'm in need of some creative zing, I often turn to music to find inspiration. Sometimes as a song fills my ears, a narrative plays along with the music or a painting or sketch draws itself on my mind's canvas.

            When listening to the song "Elephant Island" by Port Blue, the song unraveled hints of stories and a deeper purpose that inspired me to create the pieces above. It is not your typical piece of instrumental music and it creates an electronic beach of sorts. The echoes are like waves and there are odd screeches that could be compared to that of a seagull. My mind however was not led near any ocean. This song begins with some static and waves that are constant and pull in and focus attention through their sounding pulses. I imagined a man contemplating his life. I imagined focus being brought to overlooked objects such as a single penny lying on the ground. I felt like these waves also drew me in to simple objects that centered in a larger story. For example, glasses on a table that once sat upon an old man’s nose as he read the morning paper everyday that now simply remain on his desk as a reflective reminder of his life.
            The ambiance created by the few sounds at the beginning also gave me the sense of looking towards the unknown, fallen and/or forgotten. As the song progresses, more sounds like the piano track are added to complete the whole. The piano is peaceful, reflective, and delicate. To me this symbolized a progression and transcendence.
            As more tracks are added the song lifts to a happier tone. This shift led me to imagine moments of enlightenment, success or again progress in a journey. This slight change in tone that contrasts the darker beginnings inspired me to contrast light and dark in some of my pieces.
            Every object has a story to tell. With the inspiration from this song I was led to focus on objects, their story, transcendence, contrast and more. This is a clearly unique song that has a lot to offer a creativity-craving cranium. 

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